Friday, February 3, 2012

Sherman Alexie on Colbert

I can't say I'm am not the biggest fan of Colbert. He's funny and sarcastic, and incredibly sharp. I can't say I'm a fan because I haven't watched enough to make a judgement. However, out of the few shows I have caught, this is one of them and it featured Sherman Alexie. If you think Alexie comes across as funny and smart in writing, wait until you see him live. Take note of what he says to Colbert about not allowing his book to not be on Kindle.
Colbert's response to Alexie calling himself Indian is especially hilarious. This point got me to thinking, though. What do we call ourselves. Let's explore.
   All my life I have been called white, Caucasian, honky, cracker but I am all of these and none. I was raised in a prejudiced home with prejudiced siblings and relatives and was corporate to it myself. The irony of the whole thing is, that my grandparents on one side were of Cherokee lineage. My other ancestors were of Scots-Nordic-English heritage. And have you seen my hair? My great grandfather was named Gasperson (Jewish name). With this being said, most of this genetic make up was well known in my family. While it was okay to speak bad of other "races" it was not mentioned about our own dubious blood soup. Even following the traditional Christian time line of creation, at the least we should have acknowledged the fact that we all (people) started out brown. Ahh, that wonderful skin tone that I always longed for. My whole family on my father's side and even my sibling all inherited the strong Aryan features of blue-grey eyes and blond hair not to mention the fine beach tan ability. While I, on the other hand inherited all the Cherokee features of dark hair, big teeth, alcoholism. My skin however, never tans. If I had to choose an Indian name, it would be "Burns Like Bacon". One good thing is that whenever we have a family reunion photo, my mom and I are easily spotted. In one photo we look like some people that might have wandered over or came as friends of the family. My cousin and I were born a few days apart and couldn't have looked more alike. However, he inherited the Aryan features and got all of the girls.
    My point is, why do they call it racial equality? What is the white race, the black one, the Indian one? I always mark other on applications. Or if they have a blank, I write human. Once on an application for a job I did not really want I wrote; Human/Klingon. They called me to offer me the job. I didn't call back but I should have and said that I was having a B'atleth tournament that week and needed to decline. Race is stupid. Our cultures, especially the U.S. is so mixed that any body that is anybody can say, "I'm Scots-Irish-African and nobody would dispute it. I have a friend who is Russian-Peurto-Rican. He's married to a Japanese woman. He calls his kids, Russianicanese. Why can't people just embrace the soup.

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